Every teacher incorporates classroom short physical activity breaks into their daily routine.
10 @ 10
Every Wednesday morning the children look forward to taking part in their 10 @ 10. This involves 10 minutes of simple but effective exercises at 10 O' clock. As soon as the clock strikes 10 O' Clock, all the staff and children engage in their 10@10!
Give me 5 !
Our Give me Five initiative enables the Fifth class pupils to become instructors by ensuring that all the children in the other classes receive daily physical exercises if the weather is too bad to go outside. Each rainy day, 3 fifth class instructors visit each classroom at lunch time and do 5 active exercises with them. The instructors check our Active School noticeboard to see which exercises to do!
Classroom breaks
Every teacher incorporates daily movement breaks into their routine. Some of these breaks include Go Noodle, Just dance for kids, or Cosmic Yoga as well as many of their own teacher designed activities.